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Mathematics & Science for Minority Students

The (MS)2 program was founded in 1977 to address the compelling need to cultivate the mathematical and scientific abilities of economically disadvantaged African American, Latino, and Native American high school students from targeted cities and communities across the United States. In a residential setting on the historic Phillips Academy campus, the three-summer program challenges students intellectually and exposes them to peers and educators with diverse backgrounds, life experiences, and aspirations. This competitive and rigorous program is FREE of charge for all students selected.

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The Cowasuck Band

There is a growing effort to bring history back into focus and to correct many misconceptions about the relationship of Native People, such as us, and the founding of the United States. Educational and cultural programs: Library & Information Resources, Language & Music Program, Traditional Drum & Singing. The Social services are Information & Referrals with NEDOBAK Network Help Line Legal Clinic. Religious services are also important to our people. Ceremonies & Marriage with a Spiritual Counseling is provided to all members.

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