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Medicaid to 26: Free Health Insurance for Youth Formerly in Foster Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by President Obama in 2010 to make sure that Americans are able to have affordable health insurance coverage. One part of the ACA focuses specifically on youth who were formerly in foster care. Young adults who were in foster care at age 18, or aged out of foster care at 19, may be eligible to receive Medicaid coverage until they are 26.

To apply online, visit ma health connector. Click here to download and print the application.

Watch the video to learn about eligibility, what is covered, and how to sign up:

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Young people need safe and enriching environments to try new things, develop skills, meet new people and show what they're capable of. Achieving and maintaining health in spirit, mind and body makes for a richer life and giving back to neighbors and those in need is our responsibility as neighbors, colleagues and citizens. The Y defines our areas of focus–the programming you're part of every day.

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