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Year UP

Year Up’s mission is to close the opportunity divide through a one-year intensive and free program that serves youth ages 18-24 who have a high school diploma or GED, and are eligible to work in the U.S. Students receive an educational stipend and earn 24 free college credits while taking classes and completing an internship at top companies in the Boston area to help them prepare for their journey towards a professional career and higher education!

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Young people need safe and enriching environments to try new things, develop skills, meet new people and show what they're capable of. Achieving and maintaining health in spirit, mind and body makes for a richer life and giving back to neighbors and those in need is our responsibility as neighbors, colleagues and citizens. The Y defines our areas of focus–the programming you're part of every day.

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Youth On The Move.

There are many paths to college for students with disabilities. Some students may want to take a traditional path, such as applying to four-year or two-year colleges. Or they may want to pursue specialized training at a vocational or technical school to earn an occupational certificate. Some students might be more comfortable applying to a college or program within a college that is specifically designed to support students with disabilities. No matter what path students choose, there are ways for them to get the assistance and accommodations they need to succeed in college.

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