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Active Minds

Student-run mental health awareness, education, and advocacy group on campuses nationwide, the nonprofit organization works to increase students' awareness of mental health issues, provide information and resources regarding mental health and mental illness, encourage students to seek help as soon as it is needed, and serve as liaison between students and the mental health community.

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BAGLY: Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Youth.

As an organization committed to social justice, our advocacy work centers on challenging oppression on an institutional level and identifying and naming the resulting disparity among LGBTQ youth.

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Big Future by The College Board

Interactive resource for students and educators with guidance on paying for school, finding a school, exploring a career and making a plan for how to realize your goals.

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Birth to Three Family Center

From birth through the many transitions of children's lives, Birth to Three will work with you to identify resources, match you with professionals and peers, and refer you to appropriate services. Free programs and open play times with age specific playgroups and the opportunities for social and emotional growth.

For parents –
•peer support and expert modeling
•workshops, guided conversations, training

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Camp Starfish

Camp Starfish provides a 1:1 staff-to-camper ratio at all times to enable success, build social skills, teach coping mechanisms, and help children who have difficulty finding success in traditional settings. We are a one-of-a-kind summer camp, year-round support and advocate for children and families. We encourage you to learn more about Starfish and the campers and families who have had their lives changed by their powerful experiences here. Then, we hope you will join us, becoming a camper, family, staff member, teacher, social worker, donor or friend who has seen the difference a Starfish summer can make.

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College Parents of America

College Parents of America provides members with the advantages of valuable benefits and advocacy that protect and maximize their family's college investment and the resources to support their student's achievement.

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Community Team Work

We serve people who are homeless, facing foreclosure or eviction people, or ready to purchase a home or launch a small business. Provides support and services for low-income people. Call for services and addresses.

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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

We work to give consumers the information they need to understand the terms of their agreements with financial companies. We are working to make regulations and guidance as clear and streamlined as possible so providers of consumer financial products and services can follow the rules on their own.

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Family Services - Sports Recreation and Leisure Programs: Music Therapy, Fitness, Dance, Art, Nutrition and Various Sports

Emotional/Behavioral/Mental HealthDevelopmental Disability Medically Complex Care Safety Management through sports and all kinds of Leisure Program.

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Federal Student Aid

FSA is an office of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the United States. Federal Student Aid provides student financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and work-study funds.

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HEATH Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center!

HEATH Resource Center is a web-based clearinghouse that serves as an information exchange of educational resources, support services and opportunities. The HEATH Resource Center gathers, develops and disseminates information in the form of resource papers, fact sheets, website directories, newsletters, and resource materials.

HEATH Resource Center is a collaborative effort among a network of professionals in the areas of disability, counseling, transition and postsecondary education.

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Jewish Vocation Service

JVS provides skills, jobs and careers for diverse populations in MA. The Work Place, our one stop career center provides job search support. We offer disability services, Refugee ESOL & Rapid Employment, ESOL, Skills Training in Certified Nursing Assitant & Pharmacy Technician, Adult (High School) Diploma Program, and Bridges to College for college transitions.

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Kennedy-Donovan Center(FAMILY SUPPORT CENTERS)

Family Support Centers assist individuals and families with comprehensive and individualized services such as information and referrals, service navigation, family trainings, parent networking, community connection and resources, and administration of flexible funding. Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS), the Family Support Centers are located in two areas: Cape Cod and Milford.


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Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We’ve also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Lazarus House Ministries

Emergency Shelter and transitional housing. Lazarus House Ministries' Good Shepherd Soup Kitchen feeds 225 people daily. We also have a new food pantry that provides groceries to more than 800 families a week. Three thrift stores supply affordable and sometimes free clothing, furniture and household items.

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Learn to Cope (LTC)

Learn to Cope is a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs.

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Lost Coin Women's Fund Scholarship

Lost Coin Women’s Fund, Inc. (LCWF) supports academic opportunities for low-income Massachusetts women by providing Grants for undergraduate studies or vocational training programs. Grants are awarded up to $1,000.00. Payments are made directly to schools or programs, in the name of the grant recipients. Acceptance will be decided within four months from the date of receipt of completed application. Only one scholarship per applicant is allowed. The Fund does not give grants for payment of loans or past courses; only for courses not yet taken. Items such as books, and equipment for nurses, etc. can be considered as part of the LCWF grant request. There is no age limit for women applying for this scholarship. Must be MA state resident.

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Love Is Respect

Relationships can be healthy, unhealthy, abusive or somewhere in between. Explore this section to learn what dating looks like, ways to respect your partner's needs and how to communicate effectively. You can call, chat or even text your questions in english and in Spanish.

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Maria Talks

Maria Talks is a public health website that contains medically accurate information about issues teens need to know about, like sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, pregnancy, and emergency contraception.

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Massachusetts Appleseed Center.

MA Appleseed’s mission is to promote equal rights and opportunities for Massachusetts residents by developing and advocating for systemic solutions to social justice issues.

As part of one of the nation’s largest pro bono legal networks, we have been instrumental in leading vital systemic reform initiatives for over fifteen years. Among our accomplishments Improving access to education for homeless children.

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