Join us for our statewide 1st Annual Alumni Family Fun Day ! Our board member Ruby Pollock is opening up her cottage on a lake in Oxford to foster care alumni, their spouses/partners and children. Ruby and her 4 siblings grew up in foster care and now she serves as a board member and central event committee member. Ruby, 74, is a grandmother to five and manages a rest home in Grafton.

You are a foster care alum if you have been in foster homes, group care settings, kinship care (placed with a relative/family member), were adopted, guardianed or reunified after foster care, or are continuing in DCF care after age 18.

ATTN Alumni and Allies: VOLUNTEERS needed! Please e-mail if you're interested in giving 1-2 hours of your time toward volunteering during this event!

What to bring: swim suits, towels and Kid life jackets
When: June 26th from 12-5PM
Where: Ruby's Cottage
6 Birch Point Shores, Oxford, MA 01540
RSVP: Please let us know you'll be there! RSVP preferred but not required.

Register for this event

Email Grey to Register


Sunday, June 26, 2016 12:00PM to 5:00PM


6 Birch Point Shores

Oxford, MA 01540


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